ROSAT Highlights of MPE during the past two years (1996/97)
The ROSAT All-Sky Survey
Seyfert 1 Galaxies - Establishing the soft X-ray excess as a class property of Seyfert 1 galaxies
Boller Th., Brandt W.N., Fabian A.C., Fink H. 1997, MNRAS 289, 393
New active galactic nuclei detected in RASS galaxies
W. Pietsch, K. Bischoff, Th. Boller, S. Döbereiner, W. Kollatschny,
H.-U. Zimmermann
ROSAT HRI observations of Centaurus A
S. Döbereiner
A study of radio-quiet quasars detected with ROSAT
W. Yuan, W. Brinkmann, J. Siebert
X-ray beaming in radio-loud quasars
Joachim Siebert and Wolfgang Brinkmann
The precessing jets of SS433
W. Brinkmann (with E. Müller, MPA and N. Kawai, T.Kotani, RIKEN, Japan)
X-ray observations of distant lensing clusters
S. Schindler, J. Wambsganss, M. Hattori, D. M. Neumann, and H. Böhringer
Temperature maps of clusters from ROSAT PSPC observations
Ulrich G. Briel (in collaboration with J. Patrick Henry, IfA Hawaii)
The Andromeda Nebula (M31)
The X-ray Image of M31 - taken by ROSAT
Supper R., Hasinger G., Pietsch W., Trümper J. Jain A., Magnier E.A.,
Lewin W.H.G., Van Paradijs J., Astronomy & Astrophysics 317, 328-349 (1997)
Diffuse X-ray emission from nearby spiral galaxies
Andreas Vogler and Wolfgang Pietsch
Supernova 1987A
G. Hasinger, B. Aschenbach, and J. Trümper The X-ray lightcurve of SN 1987A,
Astron. & Astrophs. 312, L9-L12 (1996)
X-ray emission from NGC 4321 (M100): detection of supernova 1979C
Stefan Immler, Wolfgang Pietsch, and Bernd Aschenbach
X-ray observations of the spiral galaxy M83
M. Ehle and W. Pietsch
Spiral patterns in the galaxy NGC 6946
M. Ehle (with P. Frick, R. Beck, A. Shukurov, D. Sokoloff, and J. Kamphuis)
Correlating soft X-ray and gamma-ray emission in Orion
M.J. Freyberg, V.A. Dogiel, G.E. Morfill, and V. Schönfelder
The galactic X-ray background in the 3/4 keV band
M.J. Freyberg, R. Egger, P.P.Plucinsky, and S.L. Snowden
X-ray scattering on interstellar dust
Peter Predehl and Markus Schwalb
X-ray emission from supernova remnants
B. Aschenbach, J.U. Busser, R. Egger, and E. Peffermann
Interaction of the Loop I Supershell with the Local Hot
Bubble - Discovered in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey
Roland J. Egger and Bernd Aschenbach
ROSAT observations of cooling neutron stars
Werner Becker and Joachim Trümper
The X-ray Luminosity of rotation-powered Neutron Stars
Joachim Trümper, Werner Becker and Rodrigo Supper
The neutron star in the Supernova remnant PKS 1209-52
Vyacheslav Zavlin, Joachim Trümper (MPE), and George Pavlov (PSU)
The isolated old neutron star RXJ185635-3754
Ralf Neuhäuser
The large-scale distribution of T Tauri stars discovered with ROSAT
Ralf Neuhäuser, Michael F. Sterzik, Juan M. Alcala, Patrick Guillout,
and Thomas Hearty
Large-scale distribution of X-ray sources in Orion
Michael F. Sterzik, Juan M. Alcala, Ralf Neuhäuser, and Richard H. Durisen
ROSAT Detection of Protostars
Neuhäuser, R. and T. Preibisch, Astron. Astrophys. 322, L37-L40 (1997)
X-ray Emission from Main Sequence Stars
Jürgen H.M.M. Schmitt, Astron. Astrophys. 318, 215-250 (1997)
X-ray emission from comets - discovered by ROSAT
Konrad Dennerl, Jakob Englhauser, Joachim Trümper, Science 277, 1625-1630 (1997)